Thursday, October 21, 2010

straight edge

I have claimed straight edge for years now. No drinking, no drugs... nothing. Its a great way to live your life and i personally love it. I understand that its not for all people and respect other peoples decisions to either drink, smoke or whatever. Its not my problem. As long as you don't push those things on me, i wont push being drug free on you.
I don't really care if you smoke around me or drink around me. I go to bars occasionally to hang out with people and its no problem. Of course when someone is completely sloppy drunk, I get annoyed. But other then that I have no problems. Everyone makes their own life choices.

But to get to my point....

It is a pain in the ass to be straight edge, and have friends that are not or friends in general. It seems that me, being clean and sober, means to some people that i cant have "fun", nor do anything fun. I've been fucked over more times then I can count by people who will suddenly change plans that we have in order to smoke or get drunk. The worst is being told by a friend "yeah i don't feel like doing anything tonight," then you find out later on they went out to the bar.
Or even the ones who don't want to bring me around to a bar or an alcohol filled setting. Or the best is going out to eat or to a get together for a friends birthday or any reason, and finding out later on that those same people you were with when that said the night was over.. go out to a bar or somewhere else for that matter and i don't get the invite, just because i don't drink.

It sucks. Maybe its just the wilkes-barre/scranton area that is boring as fuck that the only thing to do is go to a bar.. i just don't know. I'm sure in a bigger area I'd be much better off with friends and the whole bullshit behind them.

It's a damn shame that because i choose not to partake in alcohol consumption that I am an outcast. We live in a society now where its normal to drink and do any sort of drug, yet against the norm to do neither.

Sure have a drink here and there when with friends, a glass of wine with dinner or just a beer while watching the game.. but don't become an alcoholic.

fuck it..

to end my straight edge rant here are some videos.

posi #'s

of course

Monday, October 11, 2010

check it..

Breaking up right before the 90's hit. Bold was the dominant straight edge band out of nyc. They released efforts of revelation records.
After breaking up memebers went on to form bands such as Quicksand and One Sided War.
In the past decade Bold has started to play shows again many in Europe.

Such a great band and a huge influence.
Bold are definitely a band that everyone should.
if dont.. then get to know them.

Friday, October 8, 2010


If i get caught in traffic in traffic today...
I'm going to turn in to D-fens

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Out of boredom, I've decided to upload some old flyers and stuff i have done over the years.
more soon.

Have Heart Live @ CBGB's

Found this posted somewhere else
What Counts era show
awesome sound

Have Heart - Live At CBGB�s
1. Lionheart
2. Get The Knife
3. To Us Fools
4. Something More Than Ink
5. About Face
6. What Counts
7. Burning Fight

Download link:

Band to check out

I'm going to post bands to check out once a week..
This week..


This band is awesome.
Pianos Become The Teeth are a great change to a stale music scene.
Its hard to catch my attention with music for more then a brief second, and these guys have done it.

check out their album "Old Pride" on Topshelf records.
Its solid from start to finish.

They're playing Ruiner's last show as well..

check them out!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Interview with A Day To Remember

In 2009 a friend and I went down to Allentown to interview A Day To Remember.
Why? I have no idea...

There is a sudden new interest among teens and young adults as of late, pop-punk mixed with breakdowns. Not necessarily my cup of tea, but when a friend of mine invited me to come along to Allentown to conduct an interview with probably the biggest band in the genre; A Day to Remember, I figured I would…pretty much just to go.

When we arrived the line for the show at the Croc Rock was around the building and down the street. The line mostly consisted of teenage girls and the occasional dude that looked like a girl or the “brutal mosh warriror” type kid. We waiting around for a while before getting instructions to go to their bus.
Though there are a few songs of theirs I rather enjoyed at the time, I really did know much of their background except where they were from. Neither my from nor I, prepared for this interview so it was a good chance to actually see what these guys were about and some background on them.

Hi, how you guys doing, hows tour?

Tour is great, a lot of fun.

What made you guys start a band?

Well, where we’re from, its either join a gang or start a band.. We started a band.

You’re from Ocala (FL) right?

Yeah, rough town.

What bands really influenced you?

Seventh dagger (they all replied, separately)

What about the pop punk aspects of your music?

Probably blink, and new found glory too. Since they’re from FL as well.

You guys have gotten a whole lot bigger since you last played here, headling sold out shows..
Aside from this tour what was your favorite tour to be on?

It would have to be the NFG , ISHHC tour. It was a great time playing and seeing them every night.

Being on tour for awhile now.. What was the craziest thing you have seen?

Well, at one of our shows a kid got stabbed. They just through him under the stage and that was it.


Yeah.. We didn’t know what to do.

Ok, So what we your first show?

(nearly everyone of them) New Found Glory, Seventh Dagger.. Or just a bunch of locals.

You guys are on the road a lot, what do you do to waste time?

Internet a lot, Play madden.. Anything we can find.


As we left their tour bus, the line that once wrapped the block of the venue.. Was now inside. There were a few groups of kids waiting around to find people with extra tickets or anything to help them get in.

As we ventured into the venue we learned that there was a guest list spot for 1..

We ate a tray of pizza and left.

Honestly, I don't know if they were being serious with these answers.. but they were acting like it. I'm trying to get another interview with them within the next 2 months..hopefully it will be just as awkward.